Registration for 2025 Secondary 1 at PRCSS
Registration for 2025 Secondary 1 at Pasir Ris Crest Secondary School
Congratulations on your posting to Pasir Ris Crest Secondary School (PRCS) to commence your journey in secondary school education. Our school’s vision is “Our Caring Home, Our CRESTian Leaders” and we are happy to support you on a new phase of your development as we officially welcome you into the Crestian family!
You do not need to report physically to PRCS following the release of your posting results as the Secondary 1 Registration will be conducted virtually.
Parents will receive the following PG message(s) from the school:
Date |
PG Message |
18 December 2024 |
19 December 2024 |
By 27 December 2024 |
The following six steps will provide you with more information as we bring you through the Secondary 1 Registration process:
(A) Zoom Briefing details for Secondary 1 students and parents
Parents are encouraged to join us via Zoom for a welcome address by Principal, Year Head, and Subject-Based Banding briefing by the teacher in-charge.
Date: Thursday, 19 December 2024
Time: 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m.
Click on the following to join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 870 8463 2025
Passcode: 927179
For security reasons, please use this format for your login username.
Login username: PRCS/ Child’s name
(Only participants with the suggested format for the login username will be admitted into the briefing)
The Principal’s slides will also be uploaded on the school website after the session.
You may download the relevant slides:
(B) Online Registration
Please ensure that you have your Parents Gateway (PG) mobile app ready to complete the Sec 1 online registration. Please note that Parent Gateway may be down between 12pm to 5pm on 18 December to facilitate the secondary 1 posting. Pasir Ris Crest Secondary School will be automatically reflected and assigned to your PG once the transition has been completed by the next working day.
Please complete the Online Registration Form.
The registration takes about 10 minutes. Please complete all fields.
It is compulsory for parents/guardians to complete the registration. Please complete the registration latest by Wednesday, 18 December 2024, 11:59 p.m.
Log in to PG mobile app (if you have not downloaded the app, please refer to the link, ).
You may also receive a message via PG to inform if your child is eligible for Higher Mother Tongue Language, 3rd Language or is eligible to offer subject(s) at a More Demanding Level.
Higher Mother Tongue Language eligibility, or
3rd Language eligibility or
Offer for Subject(s) at a More Demanding level.
For parents who do not have access to PG app, please contact the school.
(C) Administrative Matters
After you have received the messages via PG/email, you may commence on the following (whichever applicable)
Offer for Subject(s) at More Demanding Level
More information on offer for Subject(s) at More Demanding Level will be provided during the Zoom briefing on 19 December 2024.
Purchase of new Uniform and Textbooks
Click on the link below for 2025 booklists.
If your child is taking up the Offer for Subject(s) at More Demanding Level, refer to the booklist for the indicative level of the subject i.e. G3, G2, for the appropriate textbooks/workbooks to purchase.
To manage the crowd on-site and reduce wait-times, the school has made arrangements for parents/ students to opt either for self-collection (during pre-assigned slots based on the booklist); or paid delivery, when ordering textbooks and uniforms during the end of year sales period.
Walk-in strictly by appointment only.
You may book your walk-in purchase at -
Please contact the school bookshop and uniform vendor using the information in the table to indicate your preferred option and make the necessary arrangements.
Online platform:
Contact number: 6929 8012 / 6559 2269
School uniform
Online platform:
Contact number: 6764 3102
Sizing Measurement for new school PE T-shirt (updated 20 Dec 2024)
Estimated Pit-to-pit measurement (in cm)
Actual measurement may vary
For student who are under the MOE Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS) or whose FAS application has been approved by their Primary School, please bring along the approval letters to the General Office before proceeding to bookshop to make the collection. You are still required to make an appointment with the following link to ensure that the bookshop could attend to your purchase.
E-appointment link:
Tel: 6929 8012
NOTE: Kindly wait for school results if you have applied for FAS. Do not purchase books in advance.
School uniform
Tel: 6764 3102
Secondary 1 Parent Teacher Meeting and CCA Briefing
We would like to invite all parents and students to attend the Secondary One Parent Teacher Meeting and CCA Briefing on Saturday, 18 January 2025, from 8.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. in the school.
More information on the briefing will be provided nearer the date.
Parent Support Group
The PRCS Parent Support Group (PSG) are strong advocates of fostering a conducive home-school partnership and seeks to support the school’s mission towards becoming 'A Choice School that nurtures the Hearts and Minds of Crestian Leaders to be the pride of family, community and nation'. The PSG is a network of parents that also supports the holistic development of Crestians through participation in and organisation of school activities (e.g. Education and Career Sharing, Overcomers’ Run) and PSG-related programmes for parents and students.
Find out more about PRCS PSG by clicking on this link.
If you would like to play an active role or be involved in PRCS PSG events, please sign up here.
Parenting workshops
Care Corner is an MSF-appointed Families For Life @ Community provider for PRCSS.
Care Corner will be conducting the Triple P seminar series which is curated for parents with children transitioning to Secondary 1 to provide them with a better and broader understanding of positive parenting principals and strategies. Please refer to the poster below for more information. You may sign up for the talk here (Singpass is required).
If you are interested in 1-to-1 parenting consultations, you may also sign up for consultations sessions with Care Corner. More information is in the poster below.
MOE Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS) Application (If applicable)
The objective of the MOE FAS is to help financially needy Singaporean students in Government and Government-aided schools to meet basic schooling expenses.
Eligibility Criteria
Student must be a Singapore citizen enrolled in a Government or Government-aided school and meets either one of the following criteria:
Gross household income (GHI) as at the time of application does not exceed $3000 per month; or
Household per capita income (PCI) as at the time of application does not exceed $750 per month.
PCI = Monthly GHI / No. of members in the same household -
You may may submit your application online via this website:
If you do not meet the eligibility criteria of the MOE FAS, but require financial assistance, do visit or approach the school staff at the school’s General Office for assistance.
Interbank GIRO
We encourage all students to sign up for GIRO application for payment of school fees.
You may submit the eGIRO application through this link, if you have not signed up for GIRO payment with your child’s primary school.
Reporting Time, Attire and Dismissal Timings for School Days
Refer to the table below for the reporting time, dismissal time, CCA timing and school attire.
Reporting Time
Dismissal Time
CCA Time
School attire
7.25 a.m.
1.50 p.m.
Full School Uniform only
7.25 a.m.
3.30 p.m.
3.35 p.m. to 5.35 p.m.
Full School Uniform
OR -
PE T-shirt with school bermudas or school skirt
7.50 a.m.
1.50 p.m.
7.25 a.m.
2.40 p.m.
2.45 p.m. to 5.45 p.m.
7.25 a.m.
12.30 p.m.
To support our students’ transition to a Secondary School, CCA will only commence on Thursday, 27 February 2025 for Secondary One students.
See below point 9(b) for CCA trials for Sec One students.
For safety reasons, students are not allowed to leave school before CCA.
CCA Trials
Our school conduct CCA trials for Sec One students where students get to experience different CCAs before selecting their choices for CCA. Our school has a range of 18 CCAs for the students to choose from.
To allow Secondary One students to better understand the requirements of the various CCAs, the school will conduct CCA trials during CCA sessions on 4, 6, 11, 13, 18 February 2025 until 5.35 p.m. on Tuesday and 5.45 p.m. on Thursday. Attendance is compulsory.
More details on the CCA trials will be shared during the Secondary 1 Parent-Teacher Meeting and CCA Open House on Saturday, 18 January 2025.
Issuance of New Secondary Level School Smart Cards (SSC)
All students entering Secondary One in January 2025 will be issued with a new Secondary level School Smart Card (SSC). MOE will inform the school of the delivery dates in due course.
While Secondary One students are waiting for their Secondary level SSCs to be ready, they can continue to use their Primary level SSCs for concessionary travel till further updates from Transitlink office. Students can still purchase the Bus Concession Pass (BCP) using their Primary level SSCs but they will need to purchase the BCP for Secondary School students.
Passport-size Photographs
Our school will arrange to take passport-sized photographs of students on Monday, 13 January 2025.
The photographs will be used for Pupil Confidential File and school matters.
Your child/ward should be attired in full school uniform and will have to pay the vendor directly. The cost of the photos is $4.
Road Safety
We seek your cooperation in the area of road safety to ensure the safety of your child/ward.
Parents can drop off child/ward at the bus stop just outside the school.
Parents who drive your child/ward to school in the morning are to turn left when exiting the school from 0700 to 0730 to avoid holding up the traffic.
Kindly follow the traffic markings within the school and only drop off your child/ward at the designated drop off point, i.e. the School Tower (Refer to the “Drop Off/ Pick Up Point” in image A below.
Image A
Remind your child/ward not to jaywalk but use the pedestrian crossings at all times.
Advise your child/ward not to use earphones/headphones or use his/her mobile phone when walking to school, as it would reduce his/her level of alertness of the traffic condition.
(D) The First Day of School
Refer to the table for the reporting time and attire on the first day.
Reporting time |
Attire: |
Shoes: |
Socks: |

Image B
Students can refer to the noticeboard at the Tower Block which will contain more information on their classroom location.
Items to bring:
An English story book for Reading Period
Primary School Report Book
Bring a photocopy of the following documents for the Pupil Confidential File:
Passport/Student Pass (for foreign student)
PSLE results slip
Mother Tongue Language exemption letter (if applicable)
Any documents deemed useful by parents/guardians (e.g. Medical Report)
(E) Start-It-Right Programme
The programme will be conducted from 2 to 3 January and 6 to 7 January 2025 to help your child/ward transit smoothly into secondary school life.
The programme will include activities to bond with their classmates and introduction to the teachers and school environment. The programme culminates in a closing ceremony where parents/guardians are invited to accompany the child/ward in their completion of several days of activities, signifying the new beginning in his/her secondary school life. Please indicate in the form if you would be attending the closing ceremony at 1.40 p.m..
The attire is PRCS PE T-shirt and PE shorts or Primary School PE attire.
Bring an English story book for reading, stationery, and water bottle.
Refer to the table below for dismissal time during the SIR programme only.
Date |
Dismissal time |
Programme |
2 January |
2.00 p.m. |
3 January |
12.30 p.m. |
6 January |
8.00 p.m. |
7 January |
2.00 p.m. |
(F) Appeal Matters
Appeals for transfer out due to serious medical conditions
An appeal to transfer out to another school due to compelling medical reasons must be submitted via email to Secondary 1 Year Head, Mr Jason Soo, by 19 December 2024, 12.00 p.m..
Things to note when appealing for a transfer:
All appeals must be accompanied by relevant supporting documents, such as medical reports, letters from doctors.
Our staff will help to file your appeal.
The appeal results will be released in early January.
If you intend to appeal for transfer out, your child must still report to PRCS on the first day of school, and continue to attend school until the transfer is approved.
Transfers are subjected to vacancies at the requested transfer school, and MOE’s approval.
General transfer appeals
Submissions for transfers or appeals to PRCS should be submitted online via this form by Thursday, 26 December 2024, 12.00 p.m.. Application for transfer will be based on following factors:
Student must meet school’s Cut-Off Points (COP) for respective posting group
Available school vacancies
Merits of other applicants on the school’s waitlist
Do note that students successfully allocated to their schools via the Direct Schools Admission (DSA) Exercise will not be allowed to transfer to another school. For successful DSA postings, students are expected to honour their commitment to the accepting school for the duration of their secondary school journey. Parents are encouraged to consult the receiving DSA school for further advice if there are valid reasons for a transfer.
The school will contact you if your child/ward is shortlisted.